The Legend of Cthulu – Version 2.1 | Mapas Terraria
The Legend of Cthulu – Version 2.1 is a popular Map/Mod for Terraria created by ForgeUser7254881. With over 15,500 downloads, this map takes players on a thrilling adventure to uncover the cause of the Terrarian Curse and save their friends. The map is designed with a linear adventure in mind, but also includes elements of parkour and strategy. Players must choose a class at the beginning of the adventure and stick with it throughout the game. The creator warns of a bug at the spawnpoint, but assures players that everything is completable. To support the creator and learn more about the project, visit their link at

- Creador del Mapa/Mod: _ForgeUser7254881
- Número de descargas: Más de 15.514
- Categoría: Aventuras
Main file:
Todas las versiones disponibles: